Oct 14, 2023Liked by Grant Dever 🌄

I absolutely think Twitter is radicalizing people, and you’re so right, it’s all because of how content is incentivized. The most radical content gets the most reach.

When Musk first took over he said it should be “freedom of speech, not freedom of reach.” But so far they still haven’t figured out how to not let radical content go the farthest.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Grant Dever 🌄

Stepping away from twitter rn is a good move. I find it haunting too, and this is a great reminder that I can just turn away from the timeline violence

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Grant Dever 🌄

Grant, this was a very observational and powerful breakdown of a topic so relevant to our times.

I've struggled to relate to Twitter (now X?) and how much I want to rely on the feed as a source of information.

Awesome essay. Celebrate this one :)

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Thank you, Tommy. I appreciate you saying that.

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